Once again, Somers Democrats took to the streets to canvass this Sunday for the coordinated campaigns of Congressional candidate Mondaire Jones, Senator Peter Harckham and Assembly candidate Zack Couzens.
Thank you to team Somers - Terry Clifford, Jack Mattes, Sheila Crane, Daryl Mundis, Ruth Frolich, Karen Baker, Surjit and Christine Chana, Olga Shamraj., Bob & Marti Byne, Keri Rietman Schnapper as well as some other dedicated volunteers.
Thank you to team Somers - Terry Clifford, Jack Mattes, Sheila Crane, Daryl Mundis, Ruth Frolich, Karen Baker, Surjit and Christine Chana, Olga Shamraj., Bob & Marti Byne, Keri Rietman Schnapper as well as some other dedicated volunteers.

On Sunday, August 4th a group of Somers Democrats gathered to canvass in Heritage Hills for Congressional candidate Mondaire Jones and Senator Peter Harckham.
Volunteering was Chairwoman Christine Robbins, Marc Bergman, Councilman Richard Clinchy, Paula Clinchy, Don Bleasdale, Landon Bleasdale, Margaret DiLorenzo, Rita Romeu, Duane Tiemann and a few other Somers Democrats.
Westchester County Democratic Committee Breakfast Meeting
at the VIP Club in New Rochelle, October 22, 2023
The Westchester County Democratic Committee's breakfast at the VIP Club in New Rochelle brought together SDTC district leaders and Somers Democrats. It was an opportunity to meet the keynote guest Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado, as well as many elected officials and judicial candidates.
at the VIP Club in New Rochelle, October 22, 2023
The Westchester County Democratic Committee's breakfast at the VIP Club in New Rochelle brought together SDTC district leaders and Somers Democrats. It was an opportunity to meet the keynote guest Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado, as well as many elected officials and judicial candidates.
Westchester County State Committee delegation at the NYSDC spring convention in Albany
Somers Democratic Committee Presidential Trivia Fun-Raiser 2022
Amy Puerto’s Birthday Fundraiser for Her NYS Supreme Court Campaign
Celebrate Somers 2022
Somers Democratic Club President, Jack Mattes and Executive V.P. membership, Terry Clifford
State Senator Peter Harckham with Somers Democrats Terry Clifford and Jack Mattes
Tom Newman, a member of the Somers Democratic Club, and member of the Somers Town Zoning Board was presented The Somers Land Trust Volunteer of the Year Award at their January 2020 annual meeting. Congratulations to Tom for his ongoing work as a highly engaged member of the Somers family, environmental and business communities.

Somers Democrats had a booth at the 2019 Women's Club Annual Tag sale and State Sentory Peter Harckham stopped by to visit as did Westchester County Court Judicial Candidate and former Somers resident, Robert Prisco. Christine Robbins, Chair of the Somers Democrats and our volunteers signed up new Democratic Club members and provided candidate information.
2019 Celebrate Somers event brought out our neighbors on a beautiful late summer day. We have out pocket US Constitutions and voter registration forms.
In July, the Somers Democrats thanked County Legislator Mike Kaplowitz for 22 years of Public Service ahead of his retirement. In his honor Mike's friends and colleagues came together for a fun evening "roast". The price of "admission" to the dinner were donated bags of groceries for the Somers Food Pantry at St. Luke's Church.
Primary 2019
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 Membership Meeting at the Somers Library
Somers Democrats Take Chili Cook Off 2nd Place with their No Beans About It
Somers Democrats Donate Athletic Equipment to
Unaccompanied Minors Awaiting Adjudication at Lincoln Hall
NY State Democratic Convention, May 2018 at Hofstra University, Long Island
2017 Eleanor's Legacy Fall Luncheon
Christine Robbins, President of the Somers Democratic Town Committee is also a board member of the Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee. She had the opportunity to meet the guest of honor, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Attending the luncheon with Christine were Somers Democratic Town Committee district leaders Susan Bauman, Helen Berman, Linda Frum, Kathy Neggers, Jennifer Newman and Amy Puerto.
The format was A Conversation with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Democratic State Senate Leader Honorable Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Hillary was engaging, informative and responded with humor to some of the questions. To say the least - IT WAS WONDERFUL AND ENERGIZING!
Attending the luncheon with Christine were Somers Democratic Town Committee district leaders Susan Bauman, Helen Berman, Linda Frum, Kathy Neggers, Jennifer Newman and Amy Puerto.
The format was A Conversation with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Democratic State Senate Leader Honorable Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Hillary was engaging, informative and responded with humor to some of the questions. To say the least - IT WAS WONDERFUL AND ENERGIZING!
2017 Somers Fall Festival & Chili Cookoff

At Celebrate Somers 2017, many booth visitors came to learn about Democrat Club membership, to meet candidate for Town Board, Tom Newman and Richard Clinchy, Councilman. Mark Kopell, Linda Grassia and Christine Robbins of Somers Town Democratic Committee registered some voters and handed out literature to voters.
2016 Annual Wine Tasting
Hillary Clinton Campaign Volunteers at the Somers Library
Swearing in of Our Democratic Representatives
2015 Relay for Life Somers Democrats Team
2014 Somers Democratic Committee 10th Annual Wine Tasting

Somers Democratic Town Committee's
10th Annual Wine Tasting honored
Dan & Gail Simpson,
on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at the Pinnacle, Heritage Hills, Somers, NY
Left to right: Dan Simpson, Christine Robbins, President of Somers Democratic Town Committee, Gail Simpson, Richard Clinchy, Somers Town Councilman, Peter Harkham, Westchester County Legislator
2014 Somers Democratic Club Annual Award Dinner
2013 Somers Democrats Annual Award Dinner

Somers Democratic Club Annual Meeting
Candidate for County Clerk, Tim Idoni
Candidate for County Clerk, Tim Idoni

Somers Democratic Club Annual Meeting
County Court Candidate David Everett
County Court Candidate David Everett
Rally with President Bill Clinton for Sean Patrick Maloney October 2012

Sean Patrick Maloney introducing President Clinton
Click on pictures to enlarge
Click pictures to enlarge and read captions
Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Luncheon
Meet the Candidate Night at Heritage Hills
Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee 2012 Reception
Somers Democrats Helping Our Community

Somers Town Councilman Richard Clinchy presented a check from the Somers Democrats to Roman Catalino, Athletic Director, of Somers High School for renovations at the Somers High School Athletic Field's "Snack Shack".
Somers 4th of July 2012 Celebration Reis Park
Click on photo to enlarge and read captions.
Somers Democratic Club Annual Awards Dinner (click to see older images)
Click on image to enlarge photo and read caption